Founded in March 2004 by Pastor Margo Ross Sears, Light & Energy Workers Association / LEWA is a simple, national, non-profit, multi-faith, non-denominational spiritual organization (a.k.a. church) based in North Carolina USA, honoring 100% Freedom of all Religion and Spirituality practices across the planet. Each of our Clergy celebrates any spiritual Path that each is personally drawn to, in their own practices, in their own time. No dogma and no restrictions from us. We are non-denominational and LEWA is multi-faith: honoring any & all Paths which promote Light, Energy, Love, Healing, Compassion and Wisdom.

LEWA Clergy are not, nor ever been, required to study or train to be a Clergy. Also, we offer no dogma, and no attendance required after Ordination. Any lifestyle welcome and each clergy does his/her own spiritual practices self-guided or as they wish. You do you.
We believe ALL Beings are created & born innately sacred, and all Paths/Faiths ultimately lead to the ultimate Divinity… how one gets there, or labels it, is your personal journey. The man-made requirements, judgments, and measures of other people, other doctrines or religious institutions are not required to be recognized as a sacred, holy Being (also see the legal right to this practice for U.S. citizens in the First Amendment of U.S. Constitution and re-affirmed in California Supreme Court rulings in 1954). We also accept clergy who are already ordained with other churches (double or triple ordination). Please read our heartfelt Credo, below.
And an explanation of the “Legality of our Ordinations” button, next.
“EVERYONE is inherently a Guardian of Spiritual Freedom, if they freely choose to be. “Historically, clergy ordinations served to separate out the ‘holy people’ from the ‘lay people’. It segregated us into 2 classes of people. Also, ordinations were also held for people who underwent years of study to insure that a particular dogma, or belief system, would be enforced. What is beautiful about what LEWA provides is a safe-space for acknowledgement that we ALL are sacred people worthy of searching, looking inside finding and defining our own Truths. That means that everyone has a right to be holy. There is no ‘us and them’…only Sacred Beings at different places in the profound journey of life.
“And so we acknowledge the personal journey that has brought each of us here to be ordained with LEWA: the tears, the questioning, the struggle, the patience, the courage to think for yourself! Thank you for taking on the spiritual responsibility of finding what inspires you. Thank you for for showing up, and reminding us all that we are powerful beings, connected to our Divine Source, capable of greatly affecting our world. Together we proclaim with our lives the truth that there is no ‘us and them’! We are ALL sacred expressions of God/Spirit/Source with the power to give Life with our words, give Hope with our smiles, and live the values of compassion and equality! And most importantly, for each of us to be Guardians of Spiritual Freedom. It is an honor to be a part of LEWA.”
~ written by Adjunct Pastor Donna Rodriguez, 2012
Find us online: Facebook (LEWApage) and (JOS)

- To honorably provide personalized spiritual services whenever and wherever possible.
- To exemplify unconditional love, respect, and compassion for all beings.
- To accept divine guidance from both one’s Highest Power and the communities we serve.
- Raise the spiritual evolution of all beings in whatever personal method each clergy feels is appropriate for self.
All our clergy are ordained in-person. For details, please click on CLERGY LISTINGS for:
- Free, monthly, public Energyworkers Meetup near Holden Beach NC, newcomers & non-members always welcome, read more…
- yearly Ordinations and we donate to various charities
- Wedding & Commitment officiating
- Funeral and End of Life services
- Dedicating/Blessing/Christening Baby or Child
- Cleansing/Blessing your home, office, other spaces, etc.
- Prayers and Healing Intentions
- Wellness and Energy work treatments or classes
- Workshops, classes, coaching & mentoring, health services
- Celebrations or worship
- Many other spiritual services, upon request!
- SIGN UP for our free monthly e-newsletter which posts relative community events & LEWA members’ events (we never share, sell, trade or spam your email address… upon our sacred honors).
You may request viewing our official NC state by-laws by contacting our Pastor, or request various professional or spiritual services directly from our wonderful members in Clergy Listings.

- “There must be freedom for all to live, to think, to worship, no book, no avenue must be closed.” James Larkin
- “The Kingdom of Heaven is not a place but a state of mind.” ~ John Burroughs
- “I don’t believe that the same God who endowed us with sense, reason and intellect, intended us to forego their use.” ~ Galileo Galilei
- “Let your religion be less of a theory and more of a love affair.” ~ Gilbert K. Chesterton